Monday, November 28, 2016

Good tips for staying focused on track and achieving your goals part 2

Tip #6: 
Create a Block Schedule

Create hour blocks in your workday where you focus on a single task or a chunk of like-tasks.

During that block of time, nothing else gets your attention, except the task or tasks in front of you. (Remove all other distractions by clearing your desk, turning off your phone, closing email, etc.)

At the end of the block (1, 2, 3 or 4 hours) whatever was on your calendar is now finished.

Let it go and move on to the next scheduled task.

Tip #7:

For intense task completion, use a timer and set it for 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes.

Using a timer allows you to create a game or healthy competition against the clock - giving your focus and energy an edge.

You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish when you create a fun or somewhat competitive environment.

Tip #8: 
Do What You Do Best, Delegate the Rest

You should only be focusing on the tasks that you complete with the greatest efficiency, effectiveness and results.

Everything else should be delegated to a team member, assistant, or virtual assistant who produces the best results.

Could someone else do what I'm doing, if I just assigned it to them, told them how or gave them a process to get it done.

Too many entrepreneurs I talk to hold on to things way too long just because they have always done them.

Successful entrepreneurs are good delegators!

Tip #9: 
Leverage Your Peak Energy

Each person has their own unique time of the day when they are at their peak energy.

Whether you're an early bird or night owl, tackle the tasks that require the most energy and focus to complete during your unique peak energy - you'll get more done in less time with optimal results.

When is the best time to get the best result for the various activities you do each day ?

Tip #10: 
Eat Healthy for Real Energy

Being an entrepreneur requires real energy; sugar, caffeine, and processed foods only offer a false energy and the afternoon energy crash can be severe.

Reduce or eliminate sugar, caffeine, and processed foods as much as possible, while boosting raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains to maintain steady and consistent high energy. 

Some studies suggest having a small snack/meal every 2-3 hours.

Review these 11 tips and decide which ones you will implement first for even greater success.


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