
Monday, November 25, 2019


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A few tips to make site indexing

The most effective SEO technique is to index the pages of new website.

There are lot of important issues, one should take care.

We are providing a simple guide steps to help you in this regard.

1. Just design you website structure, create your content pages (don’t worry if they are not completed yet) and publish them swiftly.

Because, the process of indexing, new websites takes about two months.

So, this technique helps you saving time.

2. Since, you have already designed your web site structure and contents (may be incomplete or with minimal info) as I said earlier.

Now, create a sitemap for the site and submit this to Google Sitemap Service.

Yahoo has lately created a similar service to Google Sitemap and so also submits your website to it.

There are lots of online free site map generation services available.

Here are few of them, you may use.

✔ Create your Google Sitemap Online By: XML Sitemaps

✔ ROR Sitemap Generator By: ROR Web

✔ Site Map Builder By: sitemapbuilder

3. Third step is to submit your website to some Open Directory Project; DMOZ is good and is used as basis by many search engines like Google, MSN and Alexa.

This process again takes several months. So, the first step plays a good here too.

4. There are three major search engines namely Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Submit all your pages for inclusion in these three major search engines and keep submitting your site pages to other search engines on a regular basis.

Do it manually or you may use some search engine submission software or service which may help you by automatic submission.

5. There are lot of SEO Friendly Directories on the web.

Some are paid services and some allows free submissions of URL.

Submit your website to these SEO Friendly Directories.

All major search engines crawls these Directories frequently.

This will help you both a catalyst for the indexing of the web pages and also move a step forward in Page rank Building.

6. You may start Building links using Reciprocal Link exchange programs.

The text links should not only point to your website homepage but also to other pages down in the website page structure.

7. Posting on Google Groups advertising for your website is something very helpful in building good Page Rank.

The posts should include at least two links to your website.

8. Participate in topic discussion on other sites is also a great technique to make your existence strong and do include your site URL in the reference section.

Is SEO optimization a waste of money ?

Is Search Engine Optimization worth the SEO and the ROI debacle?

Why do companies fail to initiate or implement sound strategies?

The growing natural search engine optimization industry has enormous potential, but major obstacles include lingering labor shortages, credibility issues, tactical ignorance and limited ROI accountability, according to a new study.

SEO industries grow in perspective and helps companies make strategic choices in the face of troublesome tactics and measurement failings.

Studies show that Search Engine Optimization spending is on the rise, but it may mean that marketers are trying out search engine optimization – not necessarily succeeding at it.

Many companies attempt Search Engine Optimization, but clearly they fall short in the rankings game and the traffic that comes with strong visibility.

The industry is more than 10 years old, but some companies still haven’t launched their first SEO campaign.

Those who are engaged don’t keep up with the program or miss vital sections of their websites because Search Engine Optimization is viewed as a part-time effort.

It’s tough for ROI to emerge as a top priority if the practice of SEO is seen as a one time event or something the webmaster gets to when they have a chance.

Companies should look at how they measure up to to the competition for reasonable search terms on major search engines. 

At some point, they need to decide how much it matters if they’re not at the top.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Four simple techniques to increase Facebook likes

When it comes to implementing social media strategies, Facebook is a great place to start as it is the network that has the most users. 

However, if you thought that posting to Facebook now and then is enough, you’d be wrong.

Using that strategy is going to have you flat lining rather than growing.

Let’s look at 4 techniques to Increase your Facebook Likes and grow your fans.

1. Tag Yourself in Your Photos

This technique is so easy to use that you’ll wonder why you didn’t use it sooner.

From now on every single photo that you put up on your Facebook Page make sure that you tag yourself in every single photo.

This is smart because if your content is good and its shareable then it will appear on the news feeds of others.

When one of your fan’s shares it, then it’s going to be linked in the ‘shared section’ in addition to the image your fan shared.

2. Create Content That’s Shareable

Good content is great, but great content is greater.

It is very important to have content that is shareable.

This means your content is so good that your audience doesn’t just want to like it, they want to share it with their own friends.

The content that your fans share is really part of their online identity.

It tells others what they like and who they are. In this case it also shows support for you.

When content is shareable, it increases your like because it exposes your name to more people, putting your brand out there in front of those that are not currently your fans.

3. Remember to Remain Consistent

You do not want to develop want to become boring.

You don’t want to have one week with a big peak and then your page gets hum-drum boring until the next big peak.

This type of inconsistency will have people leaving your page. Instead consistently engage your audience so they can depend on you.

4. Watch Your Timing

If you want the most people to see your posts, then you need to post when most people are on Facebook.

Generally mornings and afternoons are best, but of course you will need to determine what’s best for your audience.

Maybe you cater to an international market so you’ll need to figure out the best time to post locally to reach that market.

Don’t be afraid to experiment to see find the best time for your posts.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Few secrets to get additional income from your site

So you have a nice looking website, which has good content and is well optimised, however you are looking to earn some additional income from the site. 

What are the next steps you can take to make this happen?

This article gives useful tips and advice, which I hope will answer this question for you.

I have a large number of websites and am eager to learn about the latest website promotion methods, and about ways to increase your websites page rank in google.

One way of earning money from your site is by joining one or more affiliate schemes.

Commissions vary, however if you have a high traffic site then you can do very well from these schemes.

Joining a program like google adsense is something which I prefer.

This is where google place targeted adverts on your website and basically you earn money when people click on one of the ads.

Depending on the website subject matter, these clicks can earn quite a high rate of commission. I had one click, on one of my hair loss websites which earned over ten dollars.

This is quite rare and on average you will probably earn about forty cents per click.

If you have a large number of content based, useful and interesting websites this can soon add up.

How much you earn will depend on how much time and work you put into each website.

In my opinion hard work pays off and even though you may hear about certain ways to cheat the search engines, such as by using hidden pages or by joining a link building scheme, this will in the long term do you more harm than good.

The search engines employ some of the top people and they are likely to find you out, ban your website from their engine and you also risk being kicked off the google adsense program altogether.

The hard work I wrote about earlier, is by promoting your website the natural way.

I believe the key is to build up the number of backward links your website has, that is basically the number of other websites that link to you.

These links should be built gradually and I would certainly not ever purchase a hundred backward links, from for example ebay.

Where possible you should try and obtain these links from sites from your own sector or industry.

The best way to increase this number of backward links is by writing articles. 

You are able to include a link to your website in the article and when other webmasters include your article on their website or blog, this then gives you a one-way link.

One-way links are the most powerful form of backward link in the eyes of the search engine.

I have been writing articles for quite a while now and it has proven to easily be, the most useful form of website promotion I have found so far.

In conclusion you are able to earn easy cash from your website/s.

The more work you put in, the more you are likely to earn. 

I always see things in the long term, if I work very hard for a number of years, I will eventually have a few websites with good page rank and that is when I will be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour.

In the mean time I will treat any income as a form of pocket money.

Online advertising options

Your online business will likely require more advertising than a contemporary business downtown, yet some new to the world of online business do not spend the time and money to advertise their business

Appropriately and are, in turn, loosing money.

Your online business is crammed into the world wide web along with thousands of others selling the same product or service as yourself.

Consider this scenario: In your hometown you want to open an art supply store. In that same town there are thousands of art supply stores.

In order for your business to be successful, it will have to stand out in some way from the others.

This is exactly what is happening when a business is opened online.

There is so much competition, that you must take drastic measures to ensure that you are getting noticed.

Advertising can be done in so many ways online.

These are some of the most successful ways that you can promote your online business.

Advertising in e-zines is a popular way to promote your online business.

Ezines are the magazines of the internet; they written on a particular subject and read by those interested in that subject.

Therefore, ezine readers are already potential customers and advertising your site in ezines that are related to your business is almost guaranteed to help drive traffic to your site and increase sales for your product.

You should be sure when advertising in ezines that you are not advertising along side


Ask the ezine producer if there is a policy concerning posting competing ads. It is also a good idea to subscribe to the ezine before making a decision about whether or not to advertise in it.

An ezine that runs fewer ads is a better choice than one that runs many ads.

You can look at the online Directory of Ezines to find publications that are relevant to your company.

Pay-per-click programs are an excellent way to advertise your business without taking a risk that you have advertised in the wrong place.

With pay-per-click, you can advertise you site and only pay for those who click the link and go to your site.

Another popular pay-per program is the pay-per-lead program that allows you to only pay for leads.

Usually this means that you pay for only those who download a trail, fill out a form or enter a sweepstakes; whatever you choose.

Lastly you can display pay-per-click banner ads in which your company would be allowed to place a banner on their site and you will be charged for every click that your banner receives.

Opt-In email is a great way to advertise your business, however it is expensive and it can be misused very easily. 

Using opt-in emails, you would submit your sales copy to the company that will in turn email it to those on their mailing list. 

You should be very careful since some of the companies that advertise their mailing lists as opt-in email service is sometimes really spam.

It is essential that you have a perfect and effective sales letter when using opt-in mailing lists.

Without and effective sales copy your money and time have been wasted.

Free link exchange service is the easiest way to promote your site

To manually exchange links with other Internet websites can be an extremely slow, tedious process that may take several months of hard work. 

The goal in free link exchange is not only to enhance your Internet website traffic, but to increase website link popularity.

Many programs that offer free link exchange have already attracted a multitude of members searching for link partners.

Spending an endless amount of time searching for link partners, checking back links on the Internet websites of your partners or even uploading link pages is not necessary.

The automated free link exchange services add new link exchange partners on a daily basis, update your own directory pages and assure that your link partner is linking to you regularly.

Whether you’re the savvy computer programmer or a novice without a clue on how to exchange links, with free link exchange, a team of experts are able to activate your link in the directory absolutely at no cost.

Not only is coding or Internet webmaster experience unnecessary, but your website can be active in less than 24 hours in the free link exchange directory.

Several reasons occur for choosing an automated free link exchange program:

- No email exchange is required to establish new link partners.

- More than a thousand link partners can be added instantly with signup.

- This is usually a 24 hour/ 7 day a week courtesy.

- It doesn’t have to be a strenuous task to stress over link exchange.

- Automated tools are operated on fast servers. 

- An additional burden doesn’t to be placed on your own server.

- There’s generally a 100% guarantee for two-way linking, otherwise your link partner’s website will be suspended.

It’s a vital fact in free link exchange that search engines rank Internet websites simply by pointing to a website with a specific keyword the higher the Internet website ranks for that search engine term.

Other factors do indeed influence this; however, it is chiefly link that will determine the ranking in free link exchange.

Links are very important to boost your page rank that will certainly enhance your Internet website traffic which will then increase your business and income.

Hence, the quality of your own links is quite significant with the links from relevant sites and pages.

The secret is in knowing that it’s usually about the quantity as well in free link exchange.

Knowledge is the essence for success in online marketing

More and more people are considering the World Wide Web as a great opportunity to offer their products and services to a new, bigger market or even as a chance to create entirely new businesses online.

Even if the perspective to reach millions of potential customers is surely exciting, the truth is that internet marketing is more difficult than it may seems and if you don’t have a sufficient experience you will usually waste a lot of time and resources doing things that don’t produce the results you expect.

For this reason, seeking advice from competent internet marketing experts is essential if you want to succeed online.

Hiring a consultant can be very expensive, but fortunately this is not the only possibility.

In fact you can utilize one of the many internet marketing informational products (like books, manuals or ebooks) that are available online.

There are complete courses that deal with every possible aspect of the entire process of building, managing and promoting your business online.

Other products concern very specific topics like how to write effective advertisements or sales letters, or how to promote your site on search engines.

You can usually choose among a great variety of media formats: printed manuals, downloadable ebooks that allow you to use the product immediately, or videos and audio tapes , if reading a big manual is not something for you.

The only risk is to be confused by so many possible choices.

So how can you determine the product more suited to your needs?

When I need to decide about the purchase of an informational product, the first thing I do is reading each and every page of the author’s site.

You may think that the informations on a site designed to sell a product are, by definition, not objective.

But you can still find a lot of useful elements that will help you with your decision.

The following are the most important for me.

1) How is the product presented?

Reputable authors will never tell you that you will be able to make a lot of money without work simply by reading their ebook or manual.

They will warn you that personal efforts are always needed to succeed online and every concept you learn must be applied to your particular situation.

Disappointment is the only thing you will earn from an informational product that is presented like a ‘magic recipe’ to make money fast and without efforts.

2) How many details the author gives about him/herself especially with regard to past business experiences?

You want to be sure that you are about to spend your money to learn proven techniques successfully tested on real businesses not some vague theory.

3) Does the site contain customers testimonials?

Do they sound genuine?

A testimonial should be always followed by a full name, a website or email address so that it can be verified.

4) What kind of guarantee is offered should you dislike the product once you have purchased it?

Ideally every good informational product should be covered by a full money back guarantee as it’s always the best protection for your investment.

If you pay attention you will find many other elements that will tell you a lot about the author and the product he/she sells.

Learning how to market online is an ongoing process.

Even if your personal work is always needed, with ebooks, manuals, courses you can learn from successful marketers experiences, concentrate your efforts on strategies that worked for them and consequently avoid mistakes and save time and resources.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Good tips for staying focused on track and achieving your goals part 2

Tip #6: 
Create a Block Schedule

Create hour blocks in your workday where you focus on a single task or a chunk of like-tasks.

During that block of time, nothing else gets your attention, except the task or tasks in front of you. (Remove all other distractions by clearing your desk, turning off your phone, closing email, etc.)

At the end of the block (1, 2, 3 or 4 hours) whatever was on your calendar is now finished.

Let it go and move on to the next scheduled task.

Tip #7:

For intense task completion, use a timer and set it for 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes.

Using a timer allows you to create a game or healthy competition against the clock - giving your focus and energy an edge.

You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish when you create a fun or somewhat competitive environment.

Tip #8: 
Do What You Do Best, Delegate the Rest

You should only be focusing on the tasks that you complete with the greatest efficiency, effectiveness and results.

Everything else should be delegated to a team member, assistant, or virtual assistant who produces the best results.

Could someone else do what I'm doing, if I just assigned it to them, told them how or gave them a process to get it done.

Too many entrepreneurs I talk to hold on to things way too long just because they have always done them.

Successful entrepreneurs are good delegators!

Tip #9: 
Leverage Your Peak Energy

Each person has their own unique time of the day when they are at their peak energy.

Whether you're an early bird or night owl, tackle the tasks that require the most energy and focus to complete during your unique peak energy - you'll get more done in less time with optimal results.

When is the best time to get the best result for the various activities you do each day ?

Tip #10: 
Eat Healthy for Real Energy

Being an entrepreneur requires real energy; sugar, caffeine, and processed foods only offer a false energy and the afternoon energy crash can be severe.

Reduce or eliminate sugar, caffeine, and processed foods as much as possible, while boosting raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains to maintain steady and consistent high energy. 

Some studies suggest having a small snack/meal every 2-3 hours.

Review these 11 tips and decide which ones you will implement first for even greater success.

Good tips for staying focused on track and achieving your goals part 1

As an entrepreneur, there are things you must do in order to accomplish your goals so you can have the kind of business and life you have dreamed of having. 

From managing a team to handling clients - and everything in between - it can be easy to lose complete control of your day.

We all have the same 24 hours available each day; it's how we chose to use those 24 hours that's makes the difference.

Meetings, client services, and a To Do List a mile long are frequent daily tasks in the world of running a business.

The key is find an effective way to handle our daily routine to stay focused and on track to achieve your goals in the shortest amount of time and the least amount of effort.

Tip #1: 
Break Goals Down Into Daily Action Steps - and Track Them

Somewhere between running a business and having a personal life, it's not uncommon for our goals to fall by the wayside.

Sure, we write out a Goal List, but it ends up at the bottom of a large stack of papers on our desk or filed away in a drawer.

If you are not paying attention to your goals on a daily basis, you're probably taking the long way around.

Break goals down into daily action steps and put them into your daily calendar/diary/planner.

Those action steps should be labeled high priority and handled as early on in the day as possible, or at the best time that leads to the best result.

No excuses.

Tip #2:
Remove Distractions and Interruptions From Your Life

Wasting time on low priority tasks is one of the most common sources of interrupting your success.

Email , texting , social media , internet surfing , personal phone calls , chatting etc , are time wasters for many of us.

Work hours should be reserved for work.

Distractions need to be a thing of the past and not the present, if you want to achieve your goals in the timeframe you have set.

(Close email and internet outside specific time blocks.)

Turn off the ringer on your phone or filter calls through a team member.

Remove paperwork that you are not currently working on from your sight.)

Create a system that works best for you , and stick to it.

Consistent execution of new habits that put you in the highest probability position to make better progress so you can create the business and life you want is key. 

Tip #3: 
Be Aware of Sabotaging Habits

No one is ever completely free of self-sabotaging habits, which is why it's important to be aware of your tendencies.

When you are aware of your sabotaging habits, you can easily spot them - and stop them - from distracting you from your success.

Whether you create procrastination, overwhelm, emotional crisis, physical exhaustion, relationship drama - or a host of other common habits - you're creating self-sabotage.

Achieving your goals becomes a lot easier when you can spot troublesome habits, and consciously and quickly get yourself back on track.

Tip #4: 
Get Clear on the Why

When you get clear on why you're working on any particular task, you can intellectually grasp whether you really need to be doing it at all or having someone else do it.

Tip #5: 
Chunk Like-Tasks Together

Prep time and pre-task setup can eat up huge amounts of your time, so chunk like-tasks together. Another benefit to chunking?

Multi-tasking and jumping between tasks reduces your brain’s ability to maintain focus, effectiveness and efficiency.

Examples of chunking your time include:

Along this same line of thinking, consider scheduling time to really prepare for the meeting on your calendar (5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes).

This helps to ensure you have the right way of being to get the result you want and make sure you aren't thinking of something you just finished or anything else.

Also, schedule time after your meeting to complete any actions you need to so you don't have to try and remember them later in the day, two days later, or at the end of the week.

Get things done and the move on to the next meeting with a clear head for that meeting.

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